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Cookies Policy

As with most e-commerce websites, we use cookies when you visit our site. We use them to ensure you receive a better, more personalised experience and to enable our site to work more efficiently. We will always acquire your consent on the first visit to know whether you would like to accept or reject these. Please read the following Cookie Policy in conjunction with our Privacy Policy as it explains what we do with the information we collect.

What are Cookies?

The term “cookies” is defined as a small file that contains strings of characters, which are often known as an identifier. This is what is sent to the browser by the server when the user visits the website. It is then stored by the browser and sent back to the server. This file includes your preferences as well as other information which enables the server to recognise you whenever you make the next visit.

How we use them

We have classified our cookies into the following categories

• Analytical Cookies – These help us to acquire information when the user is visiting our website and interacting with it. These also enable us to store your login details which ensures that you don’t have to log in every time you visit our website, saving you time.

• Advertising Cookies – We use these cookies to help us do things like send you reminder emails that you still have items in your basket or deliver promotional information to you.

• Essential Cookies – These are the necessary cookies our website requires to function smoothly. These make sure that we are able to offer the best experience possible to the users of our website when they navigate it. These contain information such as your order status and login details.

• Functionality Cookies – These cookies enable us to customise our website according to the preference of our users and your activity online as well as the actions you take while using our website. These help to improve the service we offer to you and are necessary for the site to function

How To Manage Cookies

The cookies assist us in delivering a better user experience, however, the preferences of our customers are a priority for us when it comes to its usage. You have the option to block or restrict these using the settings of your browser at any time. Please be aware though, this action could have an effect on the experience you have with our website and it’s services, including the purchasing of products.

For any information regarding the use of cookies on our site, please contact us at
This Cookie Policy was last updated 15th October 2021.